Patient Safety Organization
HD Nursing PSO is an approved Patient Safety Organization (PSO) and listed on the AHRQ PSO federal list at:
PSOs were created as a part of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005. The act encourages healthcare organizations to voluntarily report and share quality and patient safety information with PSO’s without fear of legal discovery.
Working with HD Nursing, PSO for the purpose of receiving and reviewing Patient Safety Work Product (PSWP), supports aggregation and analysis of data on a national level to detect patterns and trends not visible in smaller numbers.
The research, in turn, helps you understand and prevent adverse events as we work together to develop successful approaches to reducing adverse outcomes.
HD Nursing PSO ensures staff compliance with PSO goals through annual training on HIPAA, data policies, and data security for all PSO staff.
Contact us for more information on the benefits of working with HD Nursing PSO.